Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ode to Cyanoacrylate

Super glue. Top glue. Glue your finger to ear glue. The stuff is magic for lots of reasons, but my favorite use (by far) is for repairing my poor fingers. Cold weather + heated home + day job as short-order chef = all these tiny cracks (or fissures) on my fingers. Tons of little tiny paper cuts that can hurt so badly I wake in the night with throbbing hands. Okay, you get my point. But, this stuff is amazing and here is how it works. I learned this trick from my Dad, who has been successfully gluing his fingers back together for years:

1) Wash and dry hands well.
2) Apply a small amount of super glue (purchased from any drug store or local hardware store) directly onto the sore.
3) Allow time to dry before attempting to resume daily activities. (i.e., caring for children, putting on gloves, etc.)*
4) Your sore will begin healing from the inside out and the discomfort just disappears. Brilliant!

*This is an important step. The other day as I was gluing four spots back together on one finger I rushed the process a bit and began making myself a cup of coffee. I inadvertently glued freshly ground espresso beans to my index finger. I wasn't able to remove them for a day, or so.

Super glue is also great for gluing those highly fashionable (yet, very choke-able and lose-able) barbie shoes onto Barbie's feet. Sorry this post doesn't include any pictures, purely informational.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hop On Pop

When Paul gets home from night float, this is what happens. For as long as he can manage it......

He's such a good Daddy. We sure do miss him.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

AB gently posing for a picture with her brother and cousin, Ann Edwards.

Ava Belle, 3.5 yrs old
Emmett, 17 mos
With any luck they'll have some of their Pap's musical talent. Or, at least they'll have some of his instruments.
My Mom knitted those precious matching sweaters...my Dad made the concertina...Paul and I made the kids.

I do realize that the last time I posted anything was during night float, back in June. Well, it's night float again and apparently it's the only time I have opportunity to post. This is Paul's last night float EVER! So, this may be my last post. Only kidding, I think. Anyway, it's been really cold here in Saint Louis. The low today was zero. Snow on the ground. Blistering winds. I find this sort of weather situation rather debilitating. Having lived in STL more than three years now, I am more capable of facing the cold than I once was, but there is nothing like facing the cold with two small children in tow. For instance, multiple layers. Easily takes us three times as long to get ready to leave the house with the sweaters, coats, hats, mittens, snow boots, etc. Yet, I'm considering the use of extra clothing in non-winter months as a general safety measure....it physically slows them down and opportunity for a 'prison break' becomes less likely. Actually, Ava Belle has been enjoying her new snow bib so much that she wears it all the time. All day at home, all day at school, you get the picture. If there is a chill in the air she insists upon wearing them. So, today we went to the mall to get a cookie. It was zero outside, forgive me. She picked out a lovely cookie iced with bright yellow and chocolate frosting, a lovely complement to her outfit. Anyway, we were walking through the mall and she said she needed to go potty....we finally got to the restroom and we began peeling layers off of her. I even brought an extra bag just to hold all of our winter accessories. When she was finished she came out and said, "Mommy, my clothes are wet." How did this happen? Well, she explained that maybe Emmett did it. This, by the way, is her current explanation for most situations where she feels her reputation, precious 3.5 yr old autonomy, or TV time might be in jeopardy. It was an accident. I didn't pull her clothes down enough and the rest is history. Luckily her short dress was spared and she was able to waltz around the mall (until we found some new panties) sporting her little dress, bare legs and bottom and her gigantic snow boots. She was delighted with herself. It was a cold walk to the car for her, but she managed...and so did I. Hope all is well with you all (if anyone even reads this thing). Happy New Year to you!