Saturday, April 3, 2010

Catching Up

It's been some time since my last post, and we have certainly been enjoying our fair share of adventures. We spent the entire month of February living in Washington, D.C. so that Paul could attend a series of lectures at Walter Reed hospital, basically a board prep course that all radiology residents take at this point in their training and it's always in D.C. My brother happens to live there too, so, it was GREAT fun visiting with him and his lovely girlfriend. We lived in McLean, VA in a house with our dear friends (who are, YES, still our dear friends after one month of living with our crazy family and nearly 50" of snow!) It has been a full end to winter and we are ready for spring. Already we have enjoyed a week of warm weather and are welcoming the spring with thoughts of our garden-to-be, Ava Belle's birthday, etc! I apologize that the pics are a little out of order....enjoy!

My sister and I on my birthday...

Always love it when my parents come to town! It's always full of laughter, food, wine and as my Dad says, "low quality time." For my birthday they gave me an amazing gift...a DYSON vacuum cleaner! Truly, it deserves a post of its own...after getting it I spent roughly 4 hours cleaning my house....I took a picture of all the dirt we were living in. Wow.

My sister, Alex, and I took the kids to the gardens one morning....

Alex has decided to become an Auburn Tiger! We are so excited, truly, I've never had more school spirit!

Monkey business in DC

Emmett, an enthusiastic tourist....

More monkey business, Super Hero style....

We had a crab boil at my brother's place, AB was really into the tools...

Enjoying some 'low quality' music along with our 'low quality time'

Fantastic Doll house in the American History Museum...complete with an attic full of furniture, tiny record players, etc....AB was mesmerized!

Of course, we had to get a picture of AB with her 'sparklies' alongside the original pair! Ruby slippers meet ruby slippers...

Quadrilla! Note to Grandparents: This would be a great gift!

Bowling! An absolute highlight of the trip!

We visited some friends of the Mettenburgs who lived outside of Charlottesville, VA...the children loved getting to play in the barn area...

Lastest fashions available at Eastern Market...the vendor insisted I take a careful look at myself....pretty sure I look even more like a cocker spaniel than I already do...

And, the 50" of snow that became our playground....


  1. Love the update, and love the Dyson. It is amazing and a bit horrifying how much dust/dirt/yellow lab hair that thing sucks up - I'm still in awe of it and we've had ours for 2 years! ;) Thanks for sharing pics - I know DC was quite an adventure!

  2. Loved the update, Em! Trav looks so much like your dad. Looks like you guys had lots of high (low) quality time!

  3. Em - I registered for the Dyson, and if anyone is generous enough to get it for me, I don't know what I will do! That thing looks amazing!
