Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome to our Blog

For some time now I've wanted a blog but, I've not been able to find the time (or the right name). So, on this New Year's Day I decided to go for it. I will offer nothing here but little snippets of life with our two precious children. A blog of pictures, really. So far I've nothing to post, but I'm making this a New Year's resolution. I guess. Today, however, there is much cleaning and organizing to, it's actually probable that I will make multiple posts this New Year's since neither of those two things fall into my area of expertise (much to my husband's chagrin.) Anyway, Happy New Year.....may all your resolutions be manageable. 


  1. Hey Emily...Glad to see you are blogging!

  2. Pretty impressive writing. Almost as impressive as the "ability to row up stuff" I will look forward with great anticipation to your next installment. Makes me smile!!

  3. Laurie Ann did NOT say this.....that....whatever
    I do not understand the comment stuff but the comment above is mine!
